Scale & Expand Your Reach into Local Specialty Markets

With our Local Search Ad service, ready-to-buy shoppers can easily find your in-stock products at local independent dealers.

Capture Local Interest

Capitalize on “near me” searches and route shoppers to specialty dealers where your products are in stock.

Market with Ease

Local dealers automatically participate if they have your product in stock—no chasing down sign-ups.

Boost Sales Locally

Track campaign performance and conversions so you have the ROI metrics by location & product line.

Achieve all your goals in one place—without the hassles of a traditional co-op marketing program.

Retail Marketing Across Indies is Challenging

If your brand doesn’t have a winning strategy to capture sales at the local level, it may be time to maximize this untapped opportunity.

Are you experiencing these frustrations?

Lost Opportunities

You want to accelerate sales at specialty retail, but you don’t have the tools to scale localized ad campaigns.


You’re tired of daunting barricades, like retailer buy-in, that compound the complexities of co-op.

Pressed for Time

You and your team are time-strapped—you lack the bandwidth to execute successful campaigns yourself.

Let Us Be Your
Retail Marketing Guide

Our mission at PivotPoint is to make marketing pain-free and successful for brands like yours—and to help local retail thrive.

PivotPoint can help you capture “near me” searches, connect your popular products to ready-to-buy shoppers, and boost sales across your brick-and-mortar, independent dealers.

Our Google-certified experts will set up your campaign with data-driven keywords and consistently optimize to improve results throughout the campaign period.

Win “near me” searches for your products!

Partner with PivotPoint

Your dealers don’t need to be expert local digital marketers. Easily boost their online visibility and drive more sales of your products with help from PivotPoint—and the power of real-time local inventory.

Through our partnership with Locally, your inventory-aware ads boost foot traffic where your products are in stock.

Keyword Search

Your ads point shoppers to a
local store with inventory

Store’s Webpage

Shoppers can see product pictures, info & in-stock inventory

Store Visits

Shoppers receive valuable
pickup, purchase, and in-person service

Trusted by National Brands

Success Stories

PivotPoint ran local search ads for us across a group of our specialty accounts nationwide. Within the first month, our campaigns delivered an average of 104 local shopper leads for EACH of the 53 participating retail locations. These were qualified leads searching for Merrell products in nearby stores.
We’re thrilled—so are our accounts.

Matt Stoutenburg, Merrell

Get the Results
that Matter to You

We designed our Local Search Ad service to make it easier for you to:

  • Reach new customers online

  • Drive more store visits to your local dealers

  • Drive consideration and awareness

  • Increase your sales

  • Stay within your budget

  • Never lift a finger

Your detailed campaign dashboard shows performance metrics by retail location, so you can track:

  • Top Keywords

  • Impression

  • Clicks

  • Store actions*

  • Your Cost-per-Click

*Store actions include phone calls to store, map directions to store, visits per location, and pick-up requests.

It’s Easy to Get Started

We’ll chat about your business, products, and your unique goals.

Book a Retail Strategy Call

Google Certified experts will develop your custom campaign.

Tap Into PivotPoint Expertise

Maximize Sales at Specialty

Generate the revenue you need to scale your brand.

Start winning more sales at local retail today!

Your growth starts with a 30-minute video call.

In this call we will:

  • Talk about the problems you’re experiencing.

  • Strategize how to overcome them.

  • Show you more examples of our work.

  • Tell you about our pricing.

  • Answer any other questions you have!