Get Found & Drive Sales Without
Lifting a Finger

With our Local Search Ad service, it’s never been easier for potential customers to find your store on Google.

Increase Store Visits

Get more customers in the door with search ads that help people in your area find your store on Google.

Drive Website Traffic

Grow online sales, pickup orders, bookings, or mailing list signups with online ads that direct people to your website.

Get More Phone Calls

See shopper engagement metrics including store visits, calls, directions, and online conversions.

Archive all your goals in one place
— without stress, hassle, or effort

Marketing Success
Shouldn’t be a Struggle

If your marketing strategy isn’t growing your retail sales and generating tangible results, it may be time to consider making a change.

Are you experiencing these frustrations?

Competitive Edge

You want to accelerate your store growth but are unsure how to best stay ahead of the curve.

Lack of Leads

You’re tired of being consumed by day-to-day marketing activities—and would simply like more leads and sales.

Pressed for Time

You and your employees are time-strapped—you lack the bandwidth to execute successful campaigns yourself. 

We’re Here to Help You Win More Local Customers

One of our missions here at PivotPoint is to make marketing pain-free and successful for retailers like you.

Our done-for-you Local Search Ad service gets your business in front of potential customers in your local area who are actively searching Google for the products or services you offer. This helps you achieve all your goals in one place:

  • Reach new customers online

  • Get more store visits & customer calls

  • Drive consideration and awareness

  • Increase your sales

  • Stay within your budget

  • Don’t lift a finger

Your Certified Google Partner

Our Google-certified experts will set up your campaign with proven strategies, have your “near me” ads delivering within a week or two—and work every month to improve results.

Hard Work Done for You

From setting up ads, optimizing landing pages, keyword research, and tracking results our team works weekly to ensure you get a great ROI.

Data-Driven Keywords

We customize a list of keywords based on your business and geography to help you drive more leads and capture new business.

Transparent Reporting

Reports include site visits, calls, and requests for directions, and more. That way, you always know exactly how your campaign is performing.

Trusted by Leading Retailers

Success Stories

PivotPoint helped me get the word out about my store and products to nearby shoppers… New customers are coming into the store and calling about the gear we stock and the bike services we offer.

Ross Harris, The Bear Mountain

Plans to Spur Your Growth

Local Search Ad campaigns starting as low as $800 per month


  • Up to 7 Ad Groups

  • Store & Category Focus

  • Live Reporting Dashboard

  • Monthly Video Call & Campaign Results Review



  • Up to 15 Ad Groups

  • Google Business Profile Optimization

  • Store, Brand, Category & Product Focus

  • Google Merchant Center Integration

  • POS Inventory Integration

  • Google Local Inventory Ads

  • Live Reporting Dashboard

  • Monthly Video Call & Campaign Results Review



  • Up to 25 Ad Groups

  • Google Business Profile Optimization

  • Store, Brand, Category & Product Focus

  • Google Merchant Center Integration

  • POS Inventory Integration

  • Google Local Inventory Ads

  • Live Reporting Dashboard

  • Monthly Video Call & Campaign Results Review


It’s Easy to Get Started

We’ll chat about your business, products, and your unique goals.

Book a Marketing Strategy Call

Google Certified experts will develop your custom campaign.

Tap Into PivotPoint Expertise

Get the Sales & Traffic You Need

Generate the revenue you need to scale your brand.

Win more local customers
by capturing local Google searches!

Your growth starts with a 30-minute video call.

In this call we will:

  • Talk about the problems you’re experiencing.

  • Strategize how to overcome them.

  • Show you more examples of our work.

  • Tell you about our pricing.

  • Answer any other questions you have!